Tuesday, August 14, 2007

That boy is hot hot hot!

Poor Owen had his very first fever. I woke up at 3am when I heard him crying, and could feel that he was pretty hot. (Btw, he wakes up routinely at 3am, so I don't think he woke BECAUSE he was sick, necessarily.) I took his temperature and it was 101.3. It came down some with Tylenol, but stayed between 100-101 all day. Poor kiddo. Fortunately, it only lasted a day and he seems to be better now. I felt bad having to leave him and go to work, but Grandma Lyla took good care of him. Unfortunately the first week of work at a new job is a bad time to take a day off.

He's started walking much better and is braving trips across the room. He'll still hold on to something if he has the choice but is getting more and more adventurous.

Does anybody actually read this?

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