Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Owen, zen master...

One last deep thought for today:

Owen just walked across the room and then fell and bit his lip. Poor kid. Learning to walk is hard! He's eating an envelope now, though, so I guess he's over it. Guess I should take it from him before he has an allergic reaction to the cheap glue like on Seinfeld.

Did anyone see the movie "Knocked Up?" Remember the scene the guy's sitting there watching his daughters and says "my girls get more joy out of chasing bubbles than I get from anything in life." That's totally what Owen's like. He was laughing hysterically at lunch today because the cats were under his highchair eating the food he dropped. I should study him and learn his ways.

He's moved on to eating the remote control and a t-shirt (together. The remote's in the t-shirt.) Again, it leading to hysterical laughter. How does he do it?

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