One day he suddenly woke up and was Linus. He needed to bring it with him everywhere. He wanted to carry it in the car with him, even. Here he is dragging his new love down the stairs after waking up.
He's done the same thing with hats. It was kind of a running joke how hard it was to get him to wear a hat. All of a sudden, even if it's 70 degrees outside, he wants to wear a hat. The Elmo hat I bought for him to wear for his 2nd birthday? Completely ignored until a couple of weeks ago. We're happy about this development because his little white head needs all the protection from the sun it can get.
You'll have to excuse the partial nudity on this one, but it cracks me up. First off, he looks like such a little boy here! Gone are the chubby little legs, hello pointy Ben-like skinny joints!
So Owen's been doing a GREAT job with potty training and will mostly take care of business on his own. He struggles a little to get his underwear back up, though because he just pulls from the front, so sometimes he walks around like this:
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