Sunday, March 2, 2008

Little comparison?

Owen's learning signs as fast as we can think of them in the past couple of weeks. I was just looking at the list below and realized just how fast he's learning them.

2ish weeks ago he knew the 11 I listed below. In addition to those, he now knows and uses:
  1. Movie
  2. Cheese
  3. Shoes
  4. Socks
  5. Sleep
  6. Bubble
  7. Open
  8. Book
  9. Mom
  10. Dad
  11. banana
  12. airplane
  13. Some others I'm forgetting, maybe?
Anyway, in the year or so since we started signing with him, he learned 11 signs. In the last 2 weeks he learned 12 more! Go Owen go!

He's also starting to really copy our mouth movements and sometimes the sounds we're making. For whatever reason, he never really did a lot of this. We're really working on this now, and I'm seeing big improvements. I THINK he's saying Dog, Bye-Bye and Bubble now, in addition to Kitty. (Bubble, Bye Bye and Bath might all be in his vocab, but if they are they sound the same. He said ba-ba while waving to the outside before nap time. He says ba-ba in the bath a lot, and I'm not sure whether he means bath or bubble or both since we often blow bubbles in the bathtub.)

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