I'm trying to sort out how to rotate pictures on here. They look normal on my computer, but blogger knows best. In the meantime, just do a little mental workout and rotate it in your head, will you?
This is just a cute picture of Owen at the zoo the other day. The weather is finally cooperating, so we had a nice outing with Grandpa, who met us there and came with us for cupcakes afterwards. (Well, Owen had peas, but he still doesn't know what he's missing!)
Ben and Grandpa Ken walking with Owen. He's FINALLY gotten really good about holding our hand when we're out somewhere. It's totally cute. He also gets a big kick out of two people holding his hands and flying him through their air over puddles, etc.
This is probably the least flattering picture of Owen ever, but it cracks me up. Notice Ben pointing to something of interest (a monkey, I believe). Now notice Owen's eyes craned as far as humanly possible in the OPPOSITE direction. Little stinker :)
Owen's started signing his version of "Mommy" and "Daddy." Well, mostly Daddy, and mostly only when we bribe, beg and plead, but we're happy to get some acknowledgment in the growing list of signs, finally. The kid will sign "bubble," for God's sake. The funny thing about baby sign language is that a lot of the signs are sort of approximations, just like with speech. For example, the sign for "help" is to make a thumbs up sign and then to lift it with your other hand. Owen has translated this into just lifting both hands. He doesn't know he's doing it wrong, and we know what he means. Well, Daddy and Mommy are kind of the same. "Daddy" is to open your hand with your fingers splayed and point your thumb at your forehead. Owen has somehow turned this into pinch your fingers together and stick them in your ear. We've got lots of parallels to draw between this approximation and the picture above :) (Stick it in your ear, Daddy!) Ah, well. This is why we want him to talk.
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