...is that they don't roll. Owen has this toy that we got for him after he became obsessed with it at my friend Kristi's house when we were in NYC in July. He happily pushes the balls in the holes and then watches them roll down the chute. He used to get impatient and try to reach up the hole to grab them as they came out of the 2nd to last hole, but he's learned that doesn't work very well. What he hasn't learned is that OTHER toys don't work well in there. Today he put a ball in and I went over to see why it hadn't rolled down. I wasn't surprised to find a couple of socks in the top row and some square blocks stuck in the chute. They just don't ROLL very well. Poor kid keeps trying, but it's just not working out. It is pretty funny to watch him push the balls through because he really has to muscle it to get them through the hole.
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