Sunday, September 30, 2007

You probably saw this coming...

Owen can now show you his belly button, his tongue, AND..... his penis. If you read the conversation below, you won't be surprised by this news. Fortunately, except for diaper changes and bath time, his new skill doesn't come into play much. (At least I hope it doesn't show up at story time at the library or something.)

Here are a few pictures from last week's trip to Gunnison.

Owen was obsessed with the rocks in the parking lot. Mommy just wanted a picture of Owen standing by himself with the mountain in the background, but he wouldn't leave the rocks alone long enough for me to get one unless Daddy or Grandpa were holding on to him. You can see how excited he was by his triumph over Mommy in the last shot.

Doesn't that just scream "Muhahaha! Foiled your plans!"

He was SOOO done with hiking by this point. Unfortunately, I dropped the camcorder on the hill so Daddy had to go back and find it while Owen took a nap. Doh!

ps- Owen has no obvious after effects from his fall last night. He still won't let me look in his mouth very easily, but he has no bruising at all, that I can tell.

Mom and Dad, on the other hand, are scarred for life.

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