Thursday, January 15, 2009

Potty time!

Over New Year's Eve, my Mother-in-Law Ruth shared with me that she basically potty trained Ben's little brother in a weekend (out of necessity) by putting the potty in front Saturday morning cartoons. Thanks to TIVO, we've got more flexibility! We decided to try it, and it worked! Owen's been peeing on the potty all week! It's still not fool proof. If he's got no pants on, he'll run over to the potty and go. We need to work on keeping underwear and pants dry. He's also a little constipated at the moment (it's been traumatic for us all, poor guy cries in pain when he goes) We're going to work on poop after we've got peeing down. Very exciting, though!

As proof that he's clearly doesn't need Mommy anymore. Just tonight I was making dinner and heard Owen flush the toilet. He had peed on his potty in the living room (despite my swearing potties would stay in the bathroom, oh and that he'd only have a big potty...) He then picked it up, emptied it into the toilet and flushed. He was in the process of rinsing it out when I got to him. I swear I'm not a slave driver!

I guess now I just have to teach him to drive! Oh, and poop in the potty!

Many of my original potty training thoughts have gone down the toilet (so to speak) this week. One is that I wasn't going to bribe with candy. HA! He gets one M&M for sitting, two for peeing, and 3 for pooping. We've kind of done away with one for sitting, but we're still making a big deal of two for peeing! Every time he pees, we say something like "Good job Owen! You get 2 M&Ms for putting your pee in the potty!" He says "uh, no. One."

Way to be hardcore, buddy!

1 comment:

Jeff and Kerry said...

Tell me - where did you get your shock collar for O? Just kidding! Great job, mommy!