Monday, November 19, 2007

Owen babbles again.

Owen's been eerily quiet the last few weeks. Hardly babbling at all. We were happy to hear his little voice again yesterday as he prattled on about who knows what.

On Friday we adopted a cute little black lab named Cesar. He's 4, so not a puppy. So far he's really sweet and GREAT with Owen. He doesn't know SQUAT in terms of commands and training, but he seems to be learning quickly. I've been obsessed with the Dog Whisperer, so I've been trying to show him I'm the pack leader. This means you're not supposed to shower them with too much affection at first. Unfortunately, nobody told Owen the plan. He kept running up to him to give him a pat all day Friday.

Here are a few random pictures from this weekend.

This is Cesar. I don't have any great pictures of him yet.
Owen and Daddy looking at a plane at the park.

The next three are Grandpa Ken and Owen reading one of Owen's favorite pop up books.

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